Welcome to the Dark Mysteries Campaign website.  This site contains information about the Dark Mysteries Campaign, a series of role-playing game adventures set on the mythical world of Oerth.  The site is organized into four major sections:


  • The Story, which chronicles the adventures that have taken place so far in this universe.  Included with The Story are references to the Heroic Personae and other personae, places, and so forth that play a role in the adventures.



  • Downloads, which contains assorted documents used during the Dark Mysteries Campaign, such as a Heroic Persona Dossier and a Battle Sheet.
  • Currently, there are no recent updates to add.  All of the material from the old site has been transferred to this site.  There are still numerous articles that need to be written, but I am taking a break from that task to get caught up on other projects, and to get material organized for a PnP Dark Mysteries game (details to be provided later).

    Since there's not much traffic on this site, I'm going to hold off posting these status messages until there are updates.

    Current Game Updates

    The Laughing Pool is wrapping up, but I need to get it going again so we can reach its conclusion.

    Website Updates

    There have been no updates to the website since the last post.

    TODO List

    • Locate missing side story (1 to go)
    • Post missing articles (30 to go)
  • This was a quiet week for the site, due to travel. Most of the Side Stories are now posted here, and there is now a Downloads page as well.

    Current Game Updates

    The Laughing Pool was on hold last week while I was traveling. It should get back underway this week.

    Website Updates

    All of the side stories the players wrote during the original campaign are now posted, save for one ("I went to see a man about a horse", in which Bilbus traded his fast horse, Acquisition 2, for a war horse). Some of them were still available on their hosting web sites, but a number of them had to be pulled out of the internet archives. Unfortunately, the missing side story is not in the internet archives, so I'm trying to track down an off-line copy of it.

    The Downloads page is now live. I'm working through getting material posted - so far, it houses the forms and worksheets we used during the Dark Mysteries Campaign. There's an app and some other documents that should be going live some time soon.

    The TODO List

    • Locate missing side story (1 to go)
    • Post missing articles (30 to go)