Like any fantasy game, the Dark Mysteries Campaign uses magic (called "magick" in Dangerous Journeys).  Similar to other game systems, there are magickal Castings of various degrees of difficulty - called Grades.  Unlike some game systems, instead of the Heroic Persona having access to a fixed number of Castings of each Grade per day, the HP has a particular quantity of Heka he or she can spend on Castings each day.

The Dark Mysteries Campaign diverges from the Dangerous Journeys rules in a number of ways, as described below.  One rule that I think is officially in the Mythus rules: the total Heka a persona has is usable for any Casting.  There are not separate pools for, say, Dweomercraeft and Heka-forging and Apotropaism - they all contribute to a single pool of Heka that can be used for any Casting from any K/S Area.  The extra bookkeeping of separating each pool of Heka is totally not worth the effort.

One may want to peruse a treatise on {ln:The Nature of Magick}, which explains the rationale behind some of the house rules described below.

A cataclysm occurred after the Fall of Camelough.  The various magickal events came to be called the {ln:Curse of the Dark One}.

Learning Magick

{ln:Initial Castings}: How much does a new Persona know?

{ln:Learning Castings}: How does a Persona learn new Castings?

Using Magick

{ln:Activating Castings}: What can one do to affect the time required to activate a Casting?

{ln:Detecting Castings}: How does a Persona know that someone else is flinging Castings?

{ln:Recovering Heka}: Once the batteries are dead, how does one recover?

Special Situations

{ln:Hekalite 'Hekalite}: The quintessence.  Magick in pure, elemental form.

{ln:Heka Lensing}: Desperate times call for desperate measures.



New Castings

Dweomercraeft, General


{ln:Adjust Clothing Charm}

{ln:Sense Standing Stones Spell}


{ln:Basic Glamours Cantrip}


{ln:Activate Standing Stones Spell}