Like any fantasy game, the Dark Mysteries Campaign uses magic (called "magick" in Dangerous Journeys).  Similar to other game systems, there are magickal Castings of various degrees of difficulty - called Grades.  Unlike some game systems, instead of the Heroic Persona having access to a fixed number of Castings of each Grade per day, the HP has a particular quantity of Heka he or she can spend on Castings each day.

The Dark Mysteries Campaign diverges from the Dangerous Journeys rules in a number of ways, as described below.  One rule that I think is officially in the Mythus rules: the total Heka a persona has is usable for any Casting.  There are not separate pools for, say, Dweomercraeft and Heka-forging and Apotropaism - they all contribute to a single pool of Heka that can be used for any Casting from any K/S Area.  The extra bookkeeping of separating each pool of Heka is totally not worth the effort.

One may want to peruse a treatise on {ln:The Nature of Magick}, which explains the rationale behind some of the house rules described below.

A cataclysm occurred after the Fall of Camelough.  The various magickal events came to be called the {ln:Curse of the Dark One}.

Learning Magick

{ln:Initial Castings}: How much does a new Persona know?

{ln:Learning Castings}: How does a Persona learn new Castings?

Using Magick

{ln:Activating Castings}: What can one do to affect the time required to activate a Casting?

{ln:Detecting Castings}: How does a Persona know that someone else is flinging Castings?

{ln:Recovering Heka}: Once the batteries are dead, how does one recover?

Special Situations

{ln:Hekalite 'Hekalite}: The quintessence.  Magick in pure, elemental form.

{ln:Heka Lensing}: Desperate times call for desperate measures.



New Castings

Dweomercraeft, General


{ln:Adjust Clothing Charm}

{ln:Sense Standing Stones Spell}


{ln:Basic Glamours Cantrip}


{ln:Activate Standing Stones Spell}

Curse of the Dark One Written by Journey Master 327
The Nature of Magick Written by Journey Master 397
Recovering Heka Written by Journey Master 244
Heka Lensing Written by Journey Master 249
Learning Castings Written by Christopher Webb 267
Initial Castings Written by Christopher Webb 228
Hekalite Written by Christopher Webb 507
Detecting Castings Written by Christopher Webb 265
Activating Castings Written by Christopher Webb 232
Activate Standing Stones Spell Written by Christopher Webb 277
Basic Glamours Cantrip Written by Christopher Webb 229
Sense Standing Stones Spell Written by Christopher Webb 225
Adjust Clothing Charm Written by Christopher Webb 270