Welcome to the Dark Mysteries Campaign website.  This site contains information about the Dark Mysteries Campaign, a series of role-playing game adventures set on the mythical world of Oerth.  The site is organized into four major sections:


  • The Story, which chronicles the adventures that have taken place so far in this universe.  Included with The Story are references to the Heroic Personae and other personae, places, and so forth that play a role in the adventures.



  • Downloads, which contains assorted documents used during the Dark Mysteries Campaign, such as a Heroic Persona Dossier and a Battle Sheet.
  • The final story of the original Dark Mysteries Campaign, Sacrifice the Sun, is now available. The original campaign write-ups are now all available. Next up is getting the player-written Side Stories moved over and consolidated from multiple sites. Some of the stories have disappeared from their sites, so there'll be some digging through the internet archives, as well. There are 21 side stories and one raw email stream in the side-stories section, although one of the players already posted one of her stories.

    Current Game Updates

    Lady Ithell is dealing with the alfaren near her home in The Laughing Pool.

    Website Updates

    In addition to getting Sacrifice the Sun uploaded, I've posted a large number of articles to fill in the missing links on the site. Most of these articles are listed in the Glossary of the Gazetteer.

    Upcoming Changes

    The remaining side stories will be posted next, along with remaining articles as I get them written.

    The TODO List

    • Transfer Side Stories (21 to go)
    • Post missing articles (30 to go)
  • {ln:Sacrifice the Sun} is still undergoing editing / transferring. It is about 1/3 complete as of this morning. My Dark Mysteries time was focused on getting some other articles researched and written, and compiling a list of missing articles from the site. I'll track the missing article list, but if anyone else finds an article link that's missing, or sees something that should be clarified, feel free to chime up in the forum. Missing article links show up as bold-faced text in the middle of an article.

    Current Game Updates

    Lady Ithell has made it back to Ithell's Town, where she discovered that the King of the Seelie Court dumped the alfaren near her town.

    Website Updates

    A number of articles have been added to the site, detailing both of the major military orders of knights in the Kelltic lands, as well as the secretive {ln:Sword of the Church}. The rules for {ln:Gunpowder 'Gunpowder} in Mythus have been added.

    The Story Reference material (personae, places, etc from the adventure write-ups) is now in the "Reference" submenu of {ln:The Story}.

    {ln:The Laughing Pool Chapter 4} is posted.

    Upcoming Changes

    Once again, if all goes well {ln:Sacrifice the Sun} will be transfered this week.

    There will be a Downloads menu, but that is still in the planning stage.

    The TODO List

    • Transfer Sacrifice the Sun (DMC 4).
    • Post missing articles (49 to go).
  • This week was busy in terms of getting old materials moved over to the new site. As of this morning, all that's left is to move the final book of the original story, {ln:Sacrifice the Sun} from its old location into this new site. While I was at it, I did a little bit of retcon on the existing story (which I did for {ln:City under the Stars} as well, when I made the K5C King's child a princess instead of a prince).

    This week also saw the beginning of the tear-down of the old site. I've pulled a lot of pages off of the site, and all that's left are half a dozen links to specific pages that I need to keep active until some materials are transfered.

    Current Game Updates

    Lady Ithell has returned to Oerth via the Grand Gate from Phaeree. She's made it back to Kells, on her way back to Ithell's Town.

    Website Updates

    The long-missing final chapter to {ln:City under the Stars} is posted, closing off the last adventure of the original heroic personae. The notes had been lost for a couple of years, and I forgot quite a bit of context from what had happened during the game, so the chapter is not as thorough as I would have liked.

    As mentioned above, all of {ln:Out of the Shadows} and {ln:Amidst the Chaos} are now available on this site. They've had a minor bit of touch-up done on them, and some retcon to fit later story changes.

    The {ln:Grand Game} is starting to show up on the site - so far, an overview of the game and some references to the game system that will be used for it are available.

    Upcoming Changes

    If all goes well, {ln:Sacrifice the Sun} will be transfered this week.

    The remaining parts of the {ln:Grand Game} will hopefully make it up soon, as well.

    The site may see another round of revisions, as I make a place for edited and improved writeups, as well as a place for downloads.

    The TODO List

    • Transfer Sacrifice the Sun (DMC 4)
    • Collect and transfer DMC Side Stories
    • Post the Grand Game turn sequence and factions
    • Complete Gazetteer of Oerth: 
      • Chapter II: History
      • Chapter III: Nations
      • Chapter IV: Organizations
      • Chapter V: Religion
      • Chapter VI: Races
      • Chapter IX: add Church Knight Vocation, Gunpowder (firearms) rules
      • Chapter X: add the Drow darkblade
  • There have been a couple of significant tweaks to the site, as described under the Website Updates section, and a few minor ones as well.

    Current Game Updates

    Lady Breanna is still in the town of Hillsend on Phaeree, where she is spending an evening viewing the wonders of an elven town while trying to resolve the problem of disappearing children in {ln:The Laughing Pool Chapter 2 'The Laughing Pool}.

    Website Updates

    The two big changes this week are the addition of the RSS Feed on the main page (see the orange icon down at the bottom), and the addition of a Kunena-powered {ln:Forum}.

    The RSS feed allows folks to pull these front-page notifications to an RSS viewer.

    The forum allows people who sign up at this site to post discussions related to the Dark Mysteries Campaign, or Mythus in general. The game-related discussions are visible to visitors, so you don't have to sign up just to read them. I encourage folks to sign up and join the discussions - it's free.

    Smaller changes include updating the entries for The Dales and Arabel Cinlu, and the transfer of {ln:2: Petitions 'Chapter 2} of City under the Stars.

    Upcoming Changes

    There are a few articles that I think are nearly ready for publication. These include an update for Ithell's Town, and posting an overview of the {ln:Grand Game}.

    I'm also going to do some rearrangement of the website layout - I hope to experiment with that over the weekend, so if you visit and see an "Experimental Home" option show up on the menu, that's what's going on. Be warned that that page may appear and disappear as I'm working on it.

    I'm planning on tweaking the RSS feed - right now, it uses the name "Home" for the feed, which is entirely unhelpful. This may or may not break the feed. If it does, I apologize.

    There will also be a new chapter added to the Gazetteer - one dealing with significant organizations on Oerth that aren't covered elsewhere.

    The TODO List

    • Transfer Out of the Shadows (DMC 2)
    • Transfer Amidst the Chaos (DMC 3)
    • Transfer Sacrifice the Sun (DMC 4)
    • Finish transferring City under the Stars (DMC 5 chap 3-9)
    • Collect and transfer DMC Side Stories
    • Post the Grand Game overview
    • Complete Gazetteer of Oerth:  
      • Chapter III: History
      • Chapter IV: Nations
      • Chapter V: Organizations
      • Chapter VI: Religions
      • Chapter VII: Races
      • Chapter X: add Church Knight Vocation
      • Chapter XI: add the Drow darkblade
  • 19th Luis 2045

    The city of Kells occupied the far side of the River Tagellin, south of the confluence with the River Kells. The near side of the River Tagellin had a pair of towns that would have been substantial on their own; so near Kells, they were small satellites. Another sizeable town filled the land between the two rivers as well.